First BGP Session

To get your first BGP Session up and running you will need the following ready:
-Your own ASN
-Your peers ASN (eg. your VPS providers ASN)
-Peering IPs (provided by peer usually)
-A prefix you plan to announce

For beginners we recomend bird as a BGP daemon. Bird is easy to use and features a config file like syntax.
To install bird on Debian run as root:
apt install bird

The bird config is stored in /etc/bird/bird.conf and /etc/bird/bird6.conf on Bird 1.6.x

Below is a simple BIRD BGP Config with one Upstream and a single Prefix announcement. You can use and adapt this example for both v4 and v4. You will need to replace the variables written in all caps with your ASNs, IPs etc.. The following examples are specific for Bird 1.6.x.

router id YOUR-ROUTER-IP;

protocol device {
scan time 10;

protocol kernel {
export all;
scan time 15;

protocol static announcement {
import all;
route YOURPREFIX reject;

protocol bgp upstream
import filter {
export limit 10;
export filter {
if proto ="announcement" then accept;
local as YOUR-ASN;
source address ROUTER-IP;
graceful restart on;

Useful Bird commands:

birdc configure Configure Bird with the config set in /etc/bird/bird.conf

birdc show proto Show the Status of the BGP protocols

birdc show route export PROTONAME Show all routes you export to a specific upstream/peer

birdc show route all Shows all paths for with details such as next-hop, communities and preference

For the IPv6 CLI on Bird 1.x use birdc6

Bird 2 Config Example:

router id ROUTER-ID;

protocol device { scan time 5; }
protocol direct { ipv4; }
protocol direct { ipv6; }

protocol static {
    route $YOUR_V4_PREFIX reject;

protocol static {
    route $YOUR_V6_PREFIX reject;

filter YOURASNv4 {
    if (net ~ [ $YOUR_V4_PREFIX ]) then accept;
    else reject;

filter YOURASNv6 {
    if (net ~ [ $YOUR_V6_PREFIX ]) then accept;
    else reject;

protocol bgp BGPTunnelV4 {
    local as YOURASN;
    neighbor as PEERASN;
    ipv4 {
        import all;
        export filter YOURASNv4;

protocol bgp BGPTunnelV6 {
    local 2a0c:9a40:a001::2 as YOURASN;
    neighbor 2a0c:9a40:a001::1 as PEERASN;
    ipv6 {
        import all;
        export filter YOURASNv6;